Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

What alternative therapies have helped you

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What alternative therapies/vitamins have helped you if you choose not to use hrt or unable to. No hrt is best on this thread please as looking at alternatives.

Have you read through the previous threads?

I think it depends on how badly a lady suffers with the various issues that 'the Change' can bring.  I have been lucky.  We have always eaten a healthy, usually basic home-cooked grub from when we were born.  We exercised a lot as families had 1 car until more recently, so it was walking or cycling and of course, the dreaded P.E. in School  >:(. 

Keeping a journal can be useful to note pros, cons, symptoms etc.. 

Mindful Meditation really helped me during my time without HRT.  I can strongly recommend it.  Dg x

Mindful meditation does sound a very positive thing to do. Just reading my mindfulness in 6 weeks book. Just haven't found the key to what it actually is.....I know that sounds silly

Concentrating on how you feel whilst relaxing?  Yoga can be helpful too.


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