Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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...........In our upstairs gallery area at home, with soft lighting, soft carpet, yoga book and Classic FM on quietly.  I've done this for a grand total of two days so far and after a session I feel relaxed, refreshed and wonderfully stretched all over. I enjoy it and I'm determined to keep it up this time - having dabbled in it before.   ::)

Ju Ju:
I have yet to use the yoga app my DD put on my iPad! I did go to classes for a year, so maybe that suits me better as you have to pay up beforehand, so you turn up.

I think some people like classes and others prefer to go it alone.  What I like about solo yoga is that nobody can see me looking (what I think) daft - not even Hubby!  I keep the door shut..........! :)
My Dad used to do yoga in his younger days. One day, Mum brought some ironing into their bedroom. Suddenly, an unseen voice spoke to her.  It was Dad - standing on his head, in the corner! 


My Boss used to recommend Yoga in the 1970s, when the suggestion was thought 'way out'  :D

what book do you use Dulciana?


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