Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Headspace meditation app - free code for a month trial

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Hi All

UPDATE - have just received another code from Headspace so if anyone would like to try it for a month free then pm me with your email address and I will send you the code.  :)

Although you may have seen me posting about my struggles with ADs I do use the Headspace meditation app and found that it does make a difference. I still use it every day.

From time to time Headspace email me voucher codes for free trial periods to share with friends. As I've just reached 180 consecutive sessions of meditation they have just sent me a code for 3 months free use. If anyone would like try Headspace app for three months then please pm me with your email address and I will send you the code.



Just to let you all know I have sent the code to someone, so its gone. hope she enjoys it! If I get any more codes in future I will post them here  :)



Just bumping this up as I have another code to pass on to someone   :)

Just passed the code on to someone now, so it has gone.

I'll post again when I get another code  :)


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