Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Chi chi:
I've got my 2nd appt next week, haven't felt any difference yet but early days I suppose  :)

Acupuncture was amazing for me, first went for sciatica which was cured.  Then I went for all my peri symptoms and really helped with those too, I had 6 treatments and felt better than I ever had.  Downside now is I cant afford to go, but wish I could.


--- Quote from: SadLynda on March 21, 2016, 12:58:16 PM ---Acupuncture was amazing for me, first went for sciatica which was cured.  Then I went for all my peri symptoms and really helped with those too, I had 6 treatments and felt better than I ever had.  Downside now is I cant afford to go, but wish I could.

--- End quote ---

I tried it quite a long time ago. i forget exactly why but it didn't work for me. Things seemed better after the first session but i later decided that I had imagined it (or perhaps a placebo effect) because the next one didn't help. I'd be willing to pay for a course if I 'knew' that it would definitely work but I don't.

Been having acupuncture for 20 years it can often get worse before it gets better!

Afraid I dont hold much faith in NHS acupuncture.  The guy I go to is traditionally trained which from what I have read from others experiences seems to make a lot of difference to your results.


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