Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Chi Chi - I do understand that fear. If you are not comfortable to try, then maybe don't. Did you choose the remedy yourself?  If you go and see a homeopath you can always ring them if you think anything adverse is happening but really, they are gentle remedies, if you did feel an increase in anxiety, then it would subside. Sometimes symptoms do increase a bit, but in my experience they are never quite like the original experience, if that makes sense, more like an agitation of them before they subside completely.

The're plenty remedies for fear lol!  Only jesting!

Yes! I took one before the dentists the other week, I always expect the worst. Remedy was gelsemium and it helped me to go with the flow of it all. Fear still there, but at normal levels! :)

Just had my 2nd dose of acupuncture on my neck. Seems to be working :great:

Chi chi:
Lol kate50
I'm thinking of trying something for my headaches first, just to see how I react  ???

Dyan my hubby's having good results for his insomnia 👍🏽


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