Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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That's how  it works so if you have it by taking it it counteracts it!  Take the Aconite I presume it's only 30C so may need a few doses in the day. I take a 10 M  remedy and that works overnight. 
Couldn't have managed without it for palpitations

Chi Chi. If the remedy isn't the right remedy it will have no effect. If it is it will have a gentle action. I sometimes think of homeopathy like a puzzle. If we are out if balance (unwell) we have a piece missing or not quite sitting in the puzzle correctly. The like for like remedy matches the shape of that piece and enables you to reorganise so it fits. A strange analogy maybe but natural therapies work by triggering our own healing capacity not like drugs that change chemistry etc. Maybe this will help with concerns it will 'do something' you don't like.

Chi chi:
Pathetic I know but I've become scared to take the simplest things apart from paracetamol/ibuprofen in case I have a bad reaction  ???

So what could I expect? I have visions of me having a full blown panic attack  ::)

Hello Chi Chi, I have used acupuncture for all sorts of issues for over 25 years and its my Go To treatment before a GP but this year I went for my peri menopausal symptoms, I have been suffering badly from vaginitus.  Sadly it didnt make any difference to my symptoms and I ended up going onto Vagifem pesseries from the doctor which have worked really well. 
However, my mental state since having the acupuntcure has been brilliant, no hot flushes or night sweats and I feel very positive most of the time , sleeping well and great energy levels so it really depends on what you need it for most.  I couldnt afford to keep going though but also felt that I didnt need it after the Vagifem started working.....Dee

But you would take anti depressants?
Try it you might be surprised


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