Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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What do you want treated with homeopathy  Chi Chi?

Chi chi:
The horrible low moods and anxiety mainly

Your on the Mirena now aren't you?  What's your oestrogen regime?
I didn't have problems with my periods or moods when I had periods so when I started to take hrt I was able to tell straight away how something affected me.  All pills and patches once the progesterone part started I got a feeling of down and anxiety.  So I dont think I could take having a Mirena.  All progesterone gives me headaches including  utrogestan.  The thing is to try and counteract the progesterone by having more oestrogen would of I thought make you bleed more?
Anyway gone off track there a bit think it's cos I read an old post of yours.
I have dealt with my palpitations really well with Aconite said it in here loads of times but think some People like to suffer!  I have used homeopathy for many years.  On the depression front it depends as to where is coming from.  Is it all your hormones?  Homeopathy offers physical and emotional remedies.  Have you never felt any better on hrt?

Hi Chi Chi - I have accupuncture but have also used homeopathy extensively in the past.  Find an experienced homeopath to have a consultation with and take it from there, I really think both modalities are useful for anxiety and mood issues. They treat the whole person and it may take some time to see results but I would hope that you would sense change happening by now with the accupuncture so maybe try the homeopathy. Different people respond to different things.

Chi chi:
Yes been on the Mirena just over 4 weeks now. I've just reduced from 4 to 3 pumps of estrogel to see if that helps with the bleeding ( not spotting) that I'm having. The one thing that slightly worries me about homeopathy is the " like for like" theory  ??? I don't want to treat anxiety/low mood by creating it  :o I've bought some Aconite and it's just sitting there as I'm worried about trying it  ???

Since starting HRT I think it's only improved my libido.


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