Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Chi chi:
How do you mean "tradionally" trained?
I've had 2 sessions now, still not feeling any different yet  :-\ I feel good straight after but then back to normal the next day.
I didn't realise there is Chinese and Japanese acupuncture? Hubby has Japanese but mine is Chinese

There is a big difference in the way acupuncture can be given.  The older trained ones seem to be the most knowledgeable I have TCM and 5 element acupuncture.  The latter for me works better in the emotional level

My mum had auricular acupuncture for hot flushes caused by breast cancer treatment. She said it worked really well and the flushes stopped :)

Chi chi, I'm curious to know if you have kept on with the acupuncture and did it help? There is a Chinese medicine school nearby that offers free treatment administered by final year students. I have thought of trying it but haven't gathered the nerve yet.

Chi chi:
Unfortunately I gave up on the acupuncture, maybe I should have given it more than 4 sessions?? I just didn't feel any improvement at all and at £40 per session  :-\ I need something more quick acting so I'm now thinking of trying homeopathy.
Hubby still goes for his acupuncture though and it's still helping with his sleep 👍🏽


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