Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Chi chi:
I'd be interested to hear from anyone who's had or is having acupuncture as I had a session yesterday. My reasons for trying it is that it worked very well for me a few years ago when I had sciatica, I'd been seeing a chiropractor for weeks but nothing was improving and after just one session of acupuncture it went!
Also my husband has been having it for insomnia/problems getting off and then not being able to get up in the morning. Since his second session he's been sleeping like a baby and also getting up around 7/8 easily!
I never thought to try it for any of my other issues until now. I told her my main problems are anxiety and low moods, daily headaches and my overactive bladder oh and my aches and pains.
I came away yesterday feeling quite good and optimistic, she also put some ear seeds on me, never even heard of them before.

My mother-in-law used to have it for headaches and back pain. 

She swore by it and said it work better than any pain killer.

Chi chi:
Sounds promising  :)

I had it a few months ago for anxiety and found that after the first session I felt quite good, I had another one a week later but felt quite different although she said that was to be expected. I decided to try reflexology as my mum had it with good results and I felt really good after the first session and even better after the second. I am going to keep at it as it has made me feel more positive. With acupunture you just lie there with not much interaction but in reflexology the therapist talks you through all areas of the body indicating where the imbalances are and working towards rebalancing them. That is my thoughts anyway. Hope it helps

Had it for 20 years! And if you getting one that doesn't talk to you then they are not a very good one!
Used it for migraines back problems and all my hormonal stuff.  It helps with the latter but not a cure.  Also use homeopathy for over 17 years


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