Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Has anyone tried Macafem, a natural aid for Menopausal Symptoms

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Hurdity, I think your comments were a little strong.  'It worked for me', seem to be the main sentiment from donnaharrisons post.

This is the 'alternative' section after all.  People are free to make their own choices, and recommendation is not the same as promotion. ;)

ancient runner:
Have to say I have also thought donnaharrison's posts had the feel of advertorial about them. Not being rude, but unlike most on here she's using a "real" name (most of us hide behind nicknames), only really posts about macafem and it does read like an advert each time. I could be wrong but that's how I read her words. Dogdoc's posts on this (and all else!) are completely different (and I always enjoy reading what she has to say).

Well donnaharrison appears to have gone.  In a way I hope you were right about her, otherwise someone has been upset and left.

Hi breeze - when someone leaves of their own volition they don't just disappear - their name goes black. If someone disappears completely it means that they and all their posts have been removed by the moderator for whatever reason. Someone must have beaten me to it (maybe Emma noticed too) because I was thinking of contacting Emma to ask if this poster was legit because it has been going on for two years - only rarely but nevertheless almost all posts promoted this particular product! Also looks like there were two of them at it - someone called charlotte as there is reference to her too in a post?

By the way - I make no apology whatsoever for what I said - in fact I have been very restrained since what I wrote yesterday I had been thinking since that member first joined!!!! I am clearly not the only one to think this - but just not worried about saying it. Also the topic was not originally in the alternatives section - it was moved there by Emma, and these posts have been on other sections too. Not that the location of the post makes a difference as to whether to respond or not! I agree people need to make their own choices - but the crucial thing is an informed choice, of which scientific evidence has to be the starting point - before personal (or commercial) recommendation.

I've been on this forum long enough to have seen all sorts of members joining for all sorts of reasons and posting all sorts of things including those with commercial interests.  Commercial links and excessive promotion of products and are forbidden anyway!

Hurdity x

Gosh, it's all a bit 'cloak and dagger'.  I'd better watch what I post then ;D


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