Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Has anyone tried Macafem, a natural aid for Menopausal Symptoms

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Chi chi:
Which brand do you use or recommend dogdoc?

I don't know enough to recommend any of them. I take NOW brand because it was reasonably priced, I can buy it at a supplement store nearby and the ladies on Amazon seemed to like it lol.

I have read that pre-gelatinized is better and that raw maca can cause gi distress in some people. I've had no side effects that i'm aware of.

Chi chi:
Thanks, I've been looking around but can't find what the suggested dose is? There's lots to choose from but they're all different strength mg's  ???

Most of the ones I see are 500 mg. I've read doses ranging from 1 -3 GRAMS per day, but most seem to recommend around 1.5grams ( or three 500mg capsules) per day. I am sensitive to everything so I started low at 500mg once daily in the morning. I noticed significant changes in mood, heat, and many peri symptoms at this dose ( coincidence?) idea.

I increased to 2 500mg capsules about a month or so ago. I cannot say I've noticed further increased improvement over the 500mg dosage. My husband is also taking it. It takes 1000mg once daily and has also noticed an increase in his engergy/stamina and a reduced stress level.

Interesting stuff. Wish they knew more.

Chi chi:
Thanks dogdoc  :) I think I'll start low and build up if I need to


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