Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Has anyone tried Macafem, a natural aid for Menopausal Symptoms

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I am about to order some Macafem from Amazon, this was recommended to me, has anyone tried this or are on this????

Please let me know how you find it, thank you.

Where exactly are you ordering this from?  If you do a 'search' you will see if other ladies have used it. 

Hello! You can read some macafem reviews here'topic=25702.0

I took Macafem for a long time and then found out other brands were selling their own maca so I switched to them just to save money but gained several pounds and some old menopausal symptoms came back, so I switched back to Macafem and the symptoms disappeared again! But I am still trying to lose weight. I read they care a lot about the quality of the product so I guess that's why Macafem works better  :)

I used a Maca product when I was peri menopause until I was about 54, it was great at controlling any symptoms until then but gradually as I got further into menopause it stopped working; I think it is really good until then,

I would be interested to hear how you get on with it.  I borrowed a book which recommended it highly, but as the author was a bit extreme about other things (anyone taking HRT is filling their body with toxins and will die of cancer, sugar should be completely removed from your diet because it's poison and you wouldn't eat arsenic...!) it put me off. 


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