Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Yoga DVD

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I used to do yoga with the children were young.  Now much to stiff so find tai chi much better.

I wouldn't want to any of these specialised exercise things without a tutor in a class. I've never done yoga as I don't like keeping still but I would go to a class rather than do a DVD personally, so you can be sure you are doing it properly and I would feel the atmosphere perhaps might be better in a class? I go to a Pilates Class but never do any of the exercises at home - though probably could get a DVD as well for that if I wanted to practice. I like watching people do Tai Chi - although it depends on the  context - in some places it just makes me want to laugh but in others it looks really serene!

Sorry holidaylover - this is no help to you whatsoever   ::)

Hurdity x

Housework is good enough for me ;-).  Running up and down stairs ……. brushing the patio with yard broom ……. ironing for upper body and hoovering for waist and thighs ………. me, I watch Himself wielding the brush/iron/hoovery thingy  :whist:

I can highly recommend Barbara Currie Yoga DVDs. I have been doing them for the past 2 years with great results regarding toning my body and also relaxation.


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