Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Yoga DVD

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Hi ladies,
Wondering if any of you could recommend a good Yoga DVD?  One for beginners, as I'm absolutely clueless but thought I might give it a go. Thank you.   H x


Or go to a local Club for advice?

Thanks CLKD, I didn't know Davina had a yoga DVD, although I do have one of her fitness ones which is good, when I can bothered !  We don't have a class locally anymore.  I did try one ONCE years ago but couldn't relax in a room full of Lycra clad ladies (I know that was the whole point), and in the calm and quietness of it all I took a dreaded fear of passing wind!!, which in turn reverted me into a uncontrollable giggling mess.  I seem to have a very immature side at times. H x

You're in the right place then  :rofl:

Maybe use the video you already have and adapt.  I find that laying in a warm bubble bath with Very Good Book and a cuppa works for me  ;) - we have a thread about that somewhere too  ::)

I'd never thought of tai chi.  Maybe not so many difficult positions!  Karate Kid springs to mind  :) H x


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