Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Evorel Sequi Transdermal Patches

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 :lol:  I'd forgotten to say anything about the headaches though!

Taz x  :)

Thank you Hurdity and Taz2 for your insight, it is very reassuring with all the knowledge here on this website.  My Dr is a complete arse, to be honest.  I really dont ask for much, one good night sleep, no hot sweats/flushes, no joint pain, and an active sex life again....I can deal with the rest, anxiety included...

Thank you ladies, for getting me through this!


Sorry but I think this post is in the wrong section.

Isn't this product HRT??

This is 'Alternative Therapies' :-\

"Alternative Therapies" does seem a strange place for a query about Evorel Sequi Patches.
No worries, I'm sure Emma will move it.


--- Quote from: blossom60 on February 25, 2016, 05:34:52 PM ---Sorry but I think this post is in the wrong section.

Isn't this product HRT??

This is 'Alternative Therapies' :-\

--- End quote --- to website and didn't look/think before posting. 


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