Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Evorel Sequi Transdermal Patches

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  I started HRT recently and had a month on estelle due before switching to Evorel Sequi a couple of weeks ago. First impressions - really positive with all the benefits already mentioned. I stitch to the prog half of the pack on Weds so will have to see how I get on with that.

My sex drive has never been diminished by peri meno so I cant comment on how this treatment impacts on your libido. Today though I have felt very anxious though despite being on the last estrogen patch. I guess this could just be the result of a drop in my own estrogen levels that my patch cant quite compensate for ?



You don't need to apologise!!! There really is no problem -  often threads end up in the "wrong" section but will get moved by Admin if deemed necessary. The most important thing is that you are heard and we try to help you :)

Please continue to let us know how you are getting on and if you seem to be feeling better on the patches.

Sooby - that could be a possibility. When you are peri-menopausal your oestrogen levels to rise and fall as your own hormones kick in but hopefully the patches prevent your oestrogen levels from dropping too low. Good luck with the prog part!

Hurdity x :)


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