Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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hi,i have been trying some relaxation excercises and using the free sessions on headspace.have looked at the cost to join headspace and its a fair bit of cash,so just wondering if anyone uses or has used any other mindfulness sites that is easy on the brain.

See the other post about this dolly. There was a couple recommended and I have start d using them. Stop think breathe app - free but you can buy add on for small
Amounts eg £1.49 I've found this very good
Also insight timer has a big range of meditations and I've used only free ones

is there anything for people who don't have iphone or ipad or tablet type thingies with apps and widgets and other 21st century technology   ???

If you search - relaxation cd - in Amazon, there is a selection of them to choose from.  I like the wellbeing one and it certainly helps me get off to sleep when I need it.

S x



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