Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies



Hello i'm new to this site but wanted to ask if anyone has tried taking DHEA.
When going through my 2nd round of ivf my doctor told me t about dhea to help fertility but i have just read it could also help when going through the big M ?? going to buy some any way as can help with just getting older.


If you use the 'search' button you may well find references?

Ju Ju:
I did take it for a few short months following advice from a medically trained therapist, as I was unable to obtain testosterone, for which DHEA is a precursor. My problem was extreme exhaustion. I did feel better for a short time, enough to travel to the USA to see my son. I met someone there who was taking twice the dose I was and said it had given her her life back. However, the jury is out, as it has not been tested thoroughly and you must be careful who you buy from.

I've just down some research on the net about DHEA and I think one should be careful about taking this without professional advice.  Buying these things over the net is dodgy as you don't always know whether it is properly produced and there are some nasty side effects - it is a steroid!!!!
The research seems to throw up different results and the study featured in 'The Mail' was only small and if there were some benefits I'm sure there would have been more proper studies and it would be available on the NHS.
It is safer to stick with the HRT treatments that are now available as they are tried and tested.  Going 'alternative' isn't always safer - I work for a distillery and when I asked if we could use sage for some gin making I was told is was hallucinogenic - so no I wasn't allowed to use it for distilling !!!!! DG x

I agree that some of the limited research on DHEA is promising - and that study was reported on here I think at the time. Dr Currie responded to it in one of the articles but as Dancinggirl says there is no standard dose, no regulation and not enough information on side effects or long term safety.  it is not possilbe to determine how much would be converted to testosterone and how much to oestrogen and in the absence of progesterone this could cause build-up of the womb-lining (in post-menopause anyway). A pity - and I hope there are studies going on.....

There have been various threads on DHEA. Here is one where I posted and quoted some press articles and including the comment by Dr Currie,24094.msg367134.html#msg367134

It's better to take oestrogen and/or testosterone - if this is what you are hoping to increase through DHEA.

Hurdity x


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