Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Supplement doses - Vitamin D, Magnesium and Vitamin K

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--- Quote from: dahliagirl on January 18, 2016, 05:12:57 PM ---I had a test that came back as 39, in October (that is just within insufficient, at a time of the year it should have been at its highest).

I took 25ug/1000iu a day and felt improvement in my general health and achiness in 6 weeks.

I probably should have had some follow up, but this was not suggested.  I have no idea what my levels are now.

I find if I stop, the aching comes back, so I take 25ug/1000 throughout the winter (Oct-March) and 10ug/400 during the summer.  (I tried stopping in the summer, but after a bright start, the summer was rubbish and I did not get out as much as I hoped.  I also think my levels have been low over a number of years, so it may take longer to sort them out).

I think my diet is good enough for the vit K and magnesium.  Vit D is hard to get enough of through diet alone, though.  I also take omega3.

I stick to the tablets, which I am not keen on as they all contain some calcium carbonate as filler.   I tried the spray, but symptoms come back if I am using just that.

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Thank you, I feel more confident in the dose I have.  I will try it for a month at 2000iu a day.  I have not seen sunshine properly for a couple of years and I am vegetarian, it only just dawned on me that I may well be deficient.  Good to hear it has helped you.

Sorry to be annoying but I'm one unlucky person who took what the GP said in vitamin D3 and had a very severe reaction, it totally ruined 2015 for me.

My levels were about 38 so I was give 40000iu a week, that's not a typo, but it seems those in power say this OK, not for me though within a few hours I reacted but drs said it was just my anxiety. I was shaking, tingling feet and hands, skin felt sore like sunburn, lost my appetite, sense of taste, got the runs, obviously lost loads of weight, I got bilateral tinnitus, hyperacusis too.
I was not told I needed anything else, I should have been told we need vitamin K2 and magensium as vitamin D3 depletes magnesium in the brain and lowers blood sugar.
I learnt all this from a US site. By that time I had had 4 lots of 40000iu and my level was 97.

I made formal complaint to the makers and its all documented in my gp notes.

I told 4 drs my symptoms before realising it was not in my head it was real. I should have been monitored as I am a low blood sugar person, I am quite small too, a lightweight where drugs are concerned and have autoimmune disease which means my body over reacts.

I am trying to raise awareness of the bad aspects of large does of Vitamin D3 in some people.

Hi Sarai - really sorry to hear about your experience, it sounds really horrible and I am glad you got to the bottom of it.  I do know that high dosing is given when a blood test is done and it's interesting that you mention the K2 and the magnesium - surely your GP should have known this.  With such a high dose of Vitamin D, something is bound to go out of kilter - that is my laymens, rational brain talking.

I am going to stick with 2000IU max and keep taking my magnesium and watch for anything untoward.  I hope you are feeling better now.

Sarai - I remember you reporting your terrible experience. Do you have any information about this ie links to studies and evidence etc? I would be interested to know the scientific basis for why, if you are deficient in Vit D you also need to supplement with extra K2 and magnesium rather than dietary intake being sufficient. I'm not talking about the normal biological processes and how it all works, but specifically the need for additional supplementation. On some US sites (that sell supplements) the inference that we also need to supplement, is drawn from knowledge about biological processes, and this is then given as a reason to do so - so it would be good to read more about this. Thanks :)

Hurdity  x

I take a sublingual spray which has Vit K 2 included, you will find it on Amazon, 1 spray lasts for months, I take 2 sprays in winter and one in summer and have done so for 3 years,


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