Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Supplement doses - Vitamin D, Magnesium and Vitamin K

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Hurdity sorry I don't have any links to provide. I learnt the hard way and not from sites trying to sell anything.
Firstly while I suffered I trawled the net regarding vitamin D. Eventually I was led to an article on the Mayo clinic site regarding vitamin D, it states a low blood sugar person need careful monitoring, my doc knew I was one of those. My entire time on the stuff I felt sure I was in a sugar hypo.
I joined a number of facebook sites in the US about Vitamin D and low blood sugar and all agreed it is the thing to do when having vitamin D we need K2 and magnesium, I have also read it on many articles since.
I believe its something to do with how vitamin D is absorbed by the body, it needs K2 to help it along.
Now magnesium I had confirmed to me, way too late by a pharmacist here, who when I told her my tale said she had fallen into the same trap, though on a much lower dose than me. She suddenly simply said vitamin D depletes magnesium in the brain, I asked why docs here don't care she said they wont put funding into this particular area of research.
All I know is I did not imagine it, within an hour of the first dose the shaking started. I just wish I had gone to A&E that day when I felt I should, maybe then I would have stopped at one dose and not 4.

Thanks Sarai - when I have more time I'll have a trawl round myself. All I know is that we should get most of our vitamins and minerals from our diet ( notwithstanding that some people become deficient through inadeqaute dietary intake) - but I don't understand the need for additional supplementation over and above dietary Vit K for example, if you are deficient in another vitamin ie Vit D - so I need to read about it! The body has to deal with excesses of all these supplements and sometimes high doses can be harmful.

From what I've read anyway Vit K is stored in the liver as is Vit D so doesn't even need to be taken every day.

Hurdity x

Lots of Vit K2 in Jarlsberg & Leerdammer cheese,  :)


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