Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Supplement doses - Vitamin D, Magnesium and Vitamin K

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 Hi, thought I'd ask here as I am getting muddled with supplementing. I haven't had any blood tests to confirm levels, so am trying to take general maintenance amounts but there are varying views out there.

I don't take a multivitamin and most of my supplements are taken as drops as I'm not keen on large tablets. I have been quite happy with what I take but recently decided to up my intake of Viramin D3. To see if that helps with sleep, low mood and muscle issues. I am vegetarian and work at home and could well be deficient from a few years of less than adequate sun exposure and diet not including enough.

Anyhow I have bought a D3 2000iu and it says to take daily. I think the UK recommended is 400iu but read that this is low. Have also read that 1000iu is a good maintenance dose. Also read that 5000iu is more like the amount we need. Have also read that you need vitamin K to work with D to prevent any build up of calcium!

I am looking to choose a good average dose. Anyone take it daily that has not been officially diagnosed as defficient and willing to tell me what dose works for you? Several women have told me they felt different during perimenopause when they upped Vitamin D but I forgot to ask them the dose. I also wonder if there are adverse effects of too much.

Magnesium. I know this works with Vitamin D and currently take 300mg every day or so.


--- Quote from: sparkle on January 18, 2016, 01:06:59 PM ---BrightLight - I'll PM you what I'm taking so as not be accused of pushing a particular product!

S x

--- End quote ---

Thank you, it is helpful to hear about other peoples research and dose choices.  Heres hoping the intake of Vitamin D3 makes a difference to me. x

I found this about vitamin K.

I had a test that came back as 39, in October (that is just within insufficient, at a time of the year it should have been at its highest).

I took 25ug/1000iu a day and felt improvement in my general health and achiness in 6 weeks.

I probably should have had some follow up, but this was not suggested.  I have no idea what my levels are now.

I find if I stop, the aching comes back, so I take 25ug/1000 throughout the winter (Oct-March) and 10ug/400 during the summer.  (I tried stopping in the summer, but after a bright start, the summer was rubbish and I did not get out as much as I hoped.  I also think my levels have been low over a number of years, so it may take longer to sort them out).

I think my diet is good enough for the vit K and magnesium.  Vit D is hard to get enough of through diet alone, though.  I also take omega3.

I stick to the tablets, which I am not keen on as they all contain some calcium carbonate as filler.   I tried the spray, but symptoms come back if I am using just that.


--- Quote from: blossom60 on January 18, 2016, 04:32:07 PM ---I found this about vitamin K.

--- End quote ---

Thank you - that is a useful site.  It does seem that more Vitamin K would be needed when you take supplements that metabolise calcium better. 


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