Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Alternatives - natural and help....

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Hi all,

I have been taking menopace plus tablets for 12 months now and I cant say they have done much for me...but Im reluctant to come off them until I can find an alternative.

What natural alternatives are you taking and are they working? Any recommendations?

Im coping ish with the flushes/flashes but my temper is awful and I am not sleeping at night due to the flushes/flashes, I can cope during the day, its night time Im struggling with.

My temper is awful, I feel like Im a raving mad women sometimes.... (at least I recognise that problem)... ;D

Any help or advice would be much appreciated.....I have an appointment too with my GP at the end of the discuss my issues..... :o

Sharon x

Hi Sharon, I was the alternatives queen - I tried them all over the last few years.  It was my mood and my temper and the good ladies on here who got me to the GP, infact to my 3rd practice as the last two did nothing.  My GP put me on AD's, this was six weeks ago and I feel a whole lot better.

I take probiotics for my silly gut which I do think help and Omega 3 for skin issues's and immunity, also still concentrate on a healthy diet, no processed - still have no caffine and no alcohol either.

just remembered, I didnt sleep either - I take valerien for that, and a nice herbal bedtime tea.

I can say that acupuncture worked for me too (traditionally trained one) but I can no longer afford to go sadly.

I know 'some' people have better luck with most alternatives, but afraid I was not one of them - and it cost me a heck of a lot of money to find that out.

I've tried just about every remedy in the book with no success - cost me a fortune.  HRT is the only thing that really helps I afraid - it is worth giving it a try if your quality of life is being compromised - don't suffer unnecessarily.  DG x

Ive used valerian in the past too for insomnia worked for me. Cant help with hoot flushes as I don't suffer with those strangely .
Epsom salts baths are really good too at relaxing you ,then hop into bed . :)

Epsom salts for joint pain and sleeplessness

Herbal tea for stress and sleeplessness (I love 'Snore and Peace' just before bed)

Caffeine and sugar-free diet helps with flushes and palpitations

Having said that, I am on BCP, so getting hormones to help as well - but still getting the above symptoms


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