Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Ju Ju:
Oh Dulciana!  :rofl:

I'm good at havering too!

I'm fortunate that I don't suffer from anxiety or panic attacks, except on escalators in wide open spaces or on those long deep escalators in the underground stations in London. I'm that mad, sweating and hyperventilating woman clutching, or rather cutting off the blood circulation of the arm of whoever I'm with! I usually cope by avoidance. I look for lifts and stair ways in shopping malls. No phobia is going to stop my retail therapy! But I have found myself in difficult situations in London. Last time, when I found the lift locked,  I asked a kindly looking family to let me stand between them on the escalator. They were wonderful and as kind as they looked. There are some lovely people out there.

I have anxiety which sometimes can reach a stage whereby rather than experience the panic I just don't bother going out...'cause let's face it, most supermarkets do home delivery so me and mine won't starve or go without but the above is just a safe, avoidance tactic and doesn't really address or get to the root of my fears. (Working on the premise that if I don't know what's broke, I can't fix it)

I'm too twitchy for Yoga, my co ordination is too 'pants' for Tai Chi -(...and I usually end up bursting into tears which I've been assured means it's working but in a room of twelve silent people I'm the only puffy, red-eyed one with a face covered in tears and snot so I felt too self conscious to go back)  ::)  I can't sit still or stay focused enough to meditate alone. I get distracted when trying Qui gong so in my desperation to switch off and get a break from being constantly anxious I tried a Reiki session.

That was four weeks ago. I've had more Reiki treatments and sessions since (one a week)  I'm more scientific than spiritual however; being lay on a warm, comfy holistic practitioners bench/couch thing, in a warm, soothing room with quiet, gentle music and nothing required of me whatsoever other than to lay there and actually relax while all of 'the work' so to speak is being done for me...well, who wouldn't, right?

How is this helping me calm myself in a practical sense?, ie. Being out and about and finding myself in that all too familiar 'fight or flight' situation? The more Reiki I've had the easier it is to bring to mind and focus on the calm, warm sense of well-being or at least the memory of feeling balanced, safe and capable which in turn is enough for me personally to interrupt my own thought process (before it escalates) - which I haven't been able to do before now.
So if like me you haven't been able to get the hang of the more well known, alternative forms of self help for anxiety and stress and you'd like one stress free hour per week just for yourself with nobody mythering you. Find yourself a reputable Reiki Master and try it....what have you got to lose?

 ??? money  ???  :-X

 :) true.
(I've spent more on things that haven't helped)
Each to their own perhaps?

It's difficult to over-come anxiety - once it hits it floors me  :'(


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