Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Well, tried the spray again last night, two squirts onto each forearm.  It really stings the skin, and didn't make any difference to sleep pattern.  Up this morning and legs are ****ling away already, so gonna spray on some more. Feels like I have RLS but only feel it through the day, never when I'm lying in bed at night.  I also eat a banana every day!  I'm going to persevere to see if it eventually makes a difference.  At my wits end so will give anything a go.

I think you will find its the Pottasium in banana that helps with sleep its anti stress so must keep your body calmer for sleep.  Not sure there is enough magnesium to do the job.

No idea Kate50, all I know is that if I go more than 24 hours without a banana, the twitching and jumping comes back and drives me crazy.  I would have thought if the banana was just making me feel less stressed, then I should sleep well shortly after eating one, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on that - so I could miss eating my banana tomorrow, sleep well tomorrow night and be driven mad the next day by the jumps.  I've gone through phases of giving up bananas as I don't like eating them, but every time the jumping drives me crazy and I have to start eating them again.


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