Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Chi chi:
Just wanted some advice really, my restless legs have been really playing up lately and I've been reading how magnesium is supposed to help with not only rls but also anxiety! I couldn't find any info on exactly how much is recommended for either of these conditions or which is the best?
Does anyone else take it for either rls or anxiety?
Thanks in advance  :)

Ju Ju:
DH has RLS, but has been using a magnesium spray, which has made a difference. I know all about it if he forgets to use it before coming to bed! It was recommended by his chiropractor.

Try tonic water for restless legs

Have been looking on Gransnet and there is a thread running at the moment on the forum in the Health section about magnesium. Several people are using magnesium for RLS and insomnia with great success. They are using the spray rather than taking it orally as it can cause digestive upsets. Worth trying anyway.

I've been using chelated Magnesium Bisglycinate 150mg from Holland and Barretts and found it ok. If taken before bedtime it helps me sleep a bit better and it seems to be helping my twitching leg muscles.  Another plus is it stops me becoming constipated but doesn't cause stomach upsets either.
I've read that chelated Magnesium is absorbed better than other types and is much better than Magnesium oxide,most of that doesn't get absorbed apparently.


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