Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Chia seeds?

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A daily kiwi fruit works.  They don't always taste nice though.  I was told that they have an enzyme in them that helps with constipation and that 2 a day will shift anything.  ;D  I tried one a day and it really did work until I had a packet of kiwis sitting in the fruit bowl and could no longer bring myself to eat another one.  Every time I thought about it, I wanted to run, fast, in the other direction.  I think they may set off my oral allergy and give me a sore throat though.

I have been told magnesium supplements work, but that is complicated and I can't work out of it has anything to do with being short of magnesium, or whether it just works as a laxative anyway.

Movicol.  Brilliant but not cheap.

Lots of fluids, lots of soluble fibre (oats, pulses, fruit and veg) feet on stool, pelvic floor relaxation exercises (to counteract pelvic floor dysfunction).  Training yourself to go every day at the same time (after breakfast which stimulates peristalsis) and coffee (caffeine is supposed to increase peristalsis - did that this morning and will regret it later if it causes more palpitations  ::) )  I do all this, but am not a routine person so have to resort to movicol.

Prunes - 3 a day seem to get things moving.


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