Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

VA non hormonal help

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Hyacinth - just to say you can also buy 'Yes' water-based on Amazon and Ebay, as well as from the 'Yes' website - hope that might help as you are not in the UK!

Hi Hyacinth - I know you are asking about non-hormonal creams, but you could always swap to estriol cream which is much much weaker oestrogen but still has the same beneficial effect on the vaginal tissues. Have a look at the preparations here - there is Ovestin 0.1% or generic estriol ( formerly Gynest) which is weaker (but you use more) at 0.01%.

Hurdity x

one year in:
Thanks Hurdity, I will take that list with me to the gynaecologist when I go!  Plucking up the courage to make an appointment at the moment as it is not a very pleasant experience these days.   :(

What's the problem?   Attitude or the examination?

VA seems to be a real problem for non hrt treatment. Good luck at the doctors. Please let us know how you get on. :)


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