Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Ju Ju:
Drinking plenty is so important, regardless of what's wrong. I get a headache if I'm dehydrated. I avoid caffeine. Drinking enough paid off this week. I had a hysterectomy and repair done on Monday and only needed to stay one night! I drank reasonably as normally, not overdoing it and managed the required 3 wees, whethas the lady opposite, who said she felt she didn't drink enough, was unable to do that requirement in time. I have the tendency to get constipation, so I am very conscious what a difference it can make.

The other product that I find useful when the gut is upset is LIVE (Greek) yoghurt - eaten often for 3-5 days usually eases symptoms. 

Wow! Thank you so much for these great replies. They are really helpful and I will most certainly take your advice.

I havent changed anything in my diet and already eat loads of fruit and veg daily (life long vegetarian) so cant work out why I'm so bloated and constipated. I usually go twice a day but it's only been a few times a week for the past five weeks  :-\ This really, really worries me , yet GP wasnt that phased by it. I'm petrified it's something sinister (why do I always think the worst?). I wish there was a single test for IBS so I could then at least focus on remedies without googling things like ovarian cancer! (The pain is quite period-pain like, but GP thinks it's bowels).

I drink a lot every day, at least a drink an hour, but will definitely try more water rather than caffeine. I will also try the peppermint oil suggestion. CKLD - I took Motilium ages ago and it really helped my sickness at the time, but then I heard it was no longer available OTC because of links to heart issues? Anyone know if this is true?

Thanks again, all of you. Really appreciated, B    :)

For info:


--- Quote from: sparkle on December 03, 2015, 01:13:03 PM ---Ju Ju - so pleased to hear you're back home with the op behind you.  Are you feeling OK?

--- End quote ---

Absolutely!  :foryou:

Hello again Briony.

There is a stool test that your GP can organise that measures a protein called Calprotectin  and this is being used to diagnose IBS as opposed to inflammatory bowel disease. I think you can arrange this privately for about twenty pounds.
Hope this helps and wishing you well.

Ju Ju  Glad you hear that you are doing well.

Best wishes everyone.



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