Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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 :thankyou: Candy Floss: I learns something new every day I does  ;D

According to my gut book, goats milk is supposed to be nearer human milk. I tried it after I eventually found some but it was full fat which meant I couldn't have enough to damped my muesli!

I normally have the lactose free milk anyway but another friend told me to stay off dairy milk. I'd already gone back to lactose free as I'd read soya wasn't good for the gallstones. I'm now trying rice milk, again had to find a low fat one but I may as well use water! It's got no flavour and looks like coloured water!

I save my milk allowance for my daily coffee! Luckily I've been okay with dairy and the stones.

Candy Floss:
I miss a proper cup of tea with milk - rice milk tastes better in coffee and not nice in tea.

Hello ladies.

As you all probably know Linseed and Flaxseed are the same thing ( Americans say Flaxseed) and there are Brown and Golden types but the nutritional value is the same. The shell is so hard that they can pass straight through our digestive system so it's better to grind them first, I use a coffee grinder that has a spice attachment and any left over will keep in the fridge and stay fresh for weeks apparently.

I've been learning about the benefits of various seeds ( bet you can tell, lol) and Linseeds are one of the most beneficial plant foods on the planet!  I've started adding some to cereal and yogurt and really like the taste.

Wishing you all well.


Crikey - we have eversomany threads relating to this! so don't anyone suggest that it don't exist!

I feel like my period is due - the need to dash to the loo, strange feelings as I used to get when menstruating - but I haven't had a bleed for 12+ years!

Expect that my bowel is pressing on other nerves there which feels like a bleed.  This isn't the first time but my brain keeps saying 'look out'  :-\


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