Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Candy Floss - could you tell us where you read that info about goats' milk?   It is used World Wide for people with severe allergies as well as a replacement for cow products.  I don't like the taste of good products, it tastes like goats smell  ;D

Sparkle - do you buy the flaxseed already 'ground' - I tried grinding my own  ::) almost impossible!

Candy Floss:
"A major source of lactose is milk, including cow's milk, goat's milk and sheep's milk. Depending on how mild or severe your lactose intolerance is, you may need to change the amount of milk in your diet."

Lactose intolerance is caused by the sugars in all milk.

I've tried to find where I read about soya milk being unsuitable for some people but I can't find that yet, I'll keep looking.

Now I'm confused - not that it takes much to confuse me these days  ::)

"I've read that goats milk is as bad as cows. … '

I know that some people do find 'soya' milk difficult to digest, can 'go through' a bit too fast apparently  :o

Candy Floss:
Apparently an allergy is not the same as an intolerance.  If someone was allergic to cows milk they could have goats or sheep or buffalo and probably be OK.  But with lactose intolerance you just don't have the enzyme in your gut to process the sugar in any kind of milk - so it ferments in the gut causing bloating, flatulence, pain and diarrhoea.

Candy Floss:
I saw it for sale on the Holland & Barrett website and when I make my next shop with them I'm going to try it.


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