Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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I think Motillium was withdrawn.

Don't forget that fluids are taken in via food stuffs too …….

I find camomile tea very soothing - 2 or 3 cups usually ease any flare ups.  Not a good idea to drink a lot of it long term as it can then cause irriation in excess, but a mugful a day would be fine or 3 or 4 as a one-off.

I have IBS and Crohn's and am under a gastroenterologist.
His recommendations for IBS are to eat golden linseed, take charcoal tablets, probiotics (but the jury is out on prebiotics, because nothing that is available to  buy comes anywhere near the strength used in lab tests) and try the FODMAP diet. He also suggests considering cutting out gluten and dairy.

The faecal calprotectin test, done in conjunction with a CRP blood test would give a pretty accurate diagnosis  of whether you actually have IBS or something else, like IBD. However, I don't think the calprotectin test is readily available at GP's surgeries.

Candy Floss:
I had bad stomach pains and diarrhoea all the time - had a scan that found gall stones - was in so much pain I was going to have surgery - then I read up on lactose intolerance and how we lose the hormones that make the enzyme that digests the milk - I cut out all milk and anything made from milk - the pain went - I cancelled the surgery - and that was about two years ago.  I still get bouts of diarrhoea but I think that's caused by hidden milk in some processed foods that get past the radar.  Sometimes I cave in and have chocolate and I'm not well after.

Candy Floss:
I've read that goats milk is as bad as cows.  From what I can make out you can be fine with milk all your life then when you reach menopause you stop creating the hormones that make the enzyme that digests milk - and so the milk actually ferments inside causing wind, diarrhoea and stomach pains.  I switched to soya milk and was still the same - then I read that soya can affect some people as well - now I have rice milk and my stomach is at least 80% better than it was.  I tried lacto-free dairy products but I was back at square one with them.  One of the things that made me check it out was yogurt - I'd have one then within about 2 hours I'd be making a mad dash to the toilet.  I've also found that if I make sure to have 5 a day fruit and veg my stomach improves as well.


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