Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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I've been having on going issues with bloating, gas, abdominal cramps and constipation/runs. Seen doc a few times who thinks it could be acute IBS provoked by my disastrous experiment with Marvelon. He's given me a  medicated drink which tastes disgusting and hasn't helped, but said to go back for a scan if things don't improve soon.

Just wondered if anyone has had any luck with alternative IBS treatments? NICE says steer clear of reflexology, acupuncture and Aloe Vera  (doesn't say why) but doesn't mention the effectiveness of other treatments. Can anyone help? I take a good multi vit and eat a healthy diet. Has anyone had any luck with pre/pro biotics? Can you recommend any ?

Am in almost daily discomfort (top button been undone for weeks) so any advice appreciated, B x

Hi Briony - I am not sure, it's such a personal thing as to what triggers it.  I have suffered in the past with the top button scenario.  I used to drink warm water, when I felt bloated and cramped, sip it slowly or peppermint tea is also good.  I had to lie down sometimes and consciously relax what I could of my stomach, circular motions around my belly.  Posture was an issue for me I think, so anything you can do to improve that and your spine alignment will help I think, gentle stretches............everything gets tense which doesn't help.

Do you know if particular foods are also not helping?  If not, you could try adding more fibre.  Do you have a juicer?  That's a good way to do it, but can be a bit much for the stomach - oh gosh, I really feel for you, it's horrid.  I think a good yoghurt with live cultures is definately worth doing - the probiotics in that will be gentle and it's easy to buy and try.  eat that before you eat a meal, a little while before.

Hope you feel better soon x

Ju Ju:
I've had ibs since I was 14 after gastroenteritis at a time of trauma. I'm now 61. So I've tried lots of things through the years. I didn't know NICE says steer clear of reflexology. I wonder why. I loved it and though it didn't really help symptoms, I felt wonderful afterwards, which isn't a bad thing.

I did see a nutritionist, who came from a medical background and came highly recommended. I was in great distress after having to take a course of vicious antibiotics following cellulitis near my eyes. She helped to ease the symptoms and identify that I had temporally become intolerant to eggs and soya. But it was expensive. Complementary treatments may help one person and not another.

What has helped me is self awareness and being kind to myself. Accepting it is as it is and dealing with it. I used to get so angry with my digestive system, but after doing a course with a life coach, I understand my digestive system is on my side; it is doing its best and as the life coach said, doing a pretty damn good job at keeping me alive. When things aren't so good I talk to my tummy as if it were a distressed child! Sounds nuts, but it really helps!

Have a very bland diet for a week.  Grillled chicken with rice i.e..  Avoid spicy food stuffs.  Drink plenty.

Once you have opened your bowels so that you are comfortable try Actimel drinks several times daily.  I find that if I use these it keeps my bowel regular.  Eating little and often can keep the digestive tract moving - in 1998 mine had stopped almost completely and the GP prescribed Colpermin peppermint capsules: to ease upper gut wind : as well as Motillium to 'rush' food through …. it's an anti-sickness med which helps the gut.

After 3 days I felt well again.  Having had problems with the skirt zip for years, OK in the mornings but by mid-afternoon it was undone and I looked 5 months 'gone'  :-\ and eating/drinking was impossible due to the bloatedness = intense nausea.

Stress causes my gut to react so that I can't eat at all  :'(.  Then panic sets in ……..

Hello Briony.

According to a study conducted by University College London the best probiotics are Symprove, VSL#3 and Actimel as these products survive the stomach acid and deliver sufficient numbers of bacteria to the bowel.
You may also want to think about adding fermented foods to your diet as since eating homemade Sauerkraut my wind issues have disappeared.
I wish you well, I've had IBS and Ulcerative Colitis in the past and I know how miserable it can be.
Take care.



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