Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Any quick fixes for 'anxiety' ?

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At least the feelings passed ……… PHEW! 


I have found a good leaflet that explains the connection between breathing and anxiety.

I'm beginning to rather like the yoga effect, after two sessions - yesterday and today.  It wakes me up, stretches my muscles and makes it easier to get on with my day.   I need to make sure I read the instructions really carefully because it's not the look of the positions that's most important, but how you get there.  Anyway, daughter's pleased I've started it.  (She was making noises about taking the book back if I wasn't going to use it..... ???!) 
And I've been for a walk every morning this week, so far!   :ange:

I am useless without a class - I can never remember what to do.  We have a local class on a Wednesday.  It is a bit expensive, but if I offset that by the fact that there is no parking or petrol to pay for, I might give it a go.  :)

I keep meaning to go for a walk every morning too  ;D  Well done!  You are inspiring me  :)

my 2 -3 dog walks a day benefitted me a lot but now my dog is an old dog walks are quite slow and not very far so I am not getting the benefit of them like I once did.


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