Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Any quick fixes for 'anxiety' ?

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My anxiety definitely builds up when I try to solve all the day's issues in one go.  Like today.  My new technique is to make myself take a step back and deal with things one at a time, as they come up.  Not easy, as I've always been like this, but it does seem to help me relax a bit.

I have been trying to sort out my breathing - when I am anxious, it all goes wrong.

Taking time out in the moment to do it helps.

I started today feeling almost overwhelmed with anxieties.  I didn't want to move and things seemed rather black.  So I made myself take a walk to the shops to post my niece's birthday present, then when I came back I did some yoga, using the book my daughter had given me for Christmas.  My black and hopeless mood has lifted and my get-up-and-go has got up and come back.   

That is good to ear.

I am making a concerted effort to relax every morning, and every night before I sleep.  It is just for a short time - then I enjoy the moment.  I am getting better at it and it is lasting longer.  I was getting frustrated before, because I would get one bit relaxed and the previous bit would clamp up.  I am having to relearn.

I think I have been holding my diaphragm tight, so that I appear to be resisting the last bit of breathing out, and the first bit of breathing in.  I also try and breath and relax this during the day if I notice I am breath-holding.

So far, it seems to help.  At least, when I start to feel it relax, I can welcome it and it feels nice. :)

I have done yoga off and on since I was a student.  I cannot remember anything properly without a class, but the breathing awareness/relaxation awareness is really worthwhile.

That's interesting, Dahliagirl.  There does seem to be a correlation between breathing and muscles being relaxed.  And you're right - it is nice to do.   :)


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