Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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I find that following a healthy diet helps you deal with the knocks.  When I get down, I want to eat white carbs and rubbish and it makes it all worse.  :(

My favourite dietary info comes from arthritisUK (click on the download to the right of the screen for the leaflet)  Basically it is a healthy balanced diet with extra information on things that promote or lessen inflammation. It has information on fats and fatty acids that is important and applies to everyone. There have been articles in New Scientist and elsewhere that suggest minimising inflammation is a good thing for everyone.  I think that this leaflet is a good starting point.

It is also worth looking at the glycaemic index on Diabetes UK and eating plenty foods that are low GI, and keeping the others for one-offs.

I do believe that getting what you need from your diet is much better for you than having to take supplements.  Supplements are useful if you are missing something in particular, such as VitD (I have found out the hard way!) or your diet is restricted in some way.  But a good diet is the best way forward.

I've gone the phyto-estrogen/diet route. Cost me a fortune, and for me it didn't work at all. In fact it made things worse.

Definitely a healthy diet is a good thing - for everyone, but does it in itself do anything to really help with severe meno symptoms? Doubt it, and "for me" definitely not.

There may be some evidence that phyto-estrogens and other types of specific foods may help when the symptoms aren't very severe, or maybe in peri-meno, but when you've got full blown severe meno symptoms IMO you need the big guns.

All just my experiences and opinions of course.


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