Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Progesterone cream undergoing trials

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How offensive!!  You people are the ones starting these discussions, often with no actual evidence to back anything up, and also giving out of date information (like on this very thread). That's fine if that's what the advocates for this section want to see. However, when someone makes a vacuous comment, and another person replies with a well thought out and accurate post, that gets called a "looooong sermon"! 

Hurdity and I do not agree on everything. For example I will never like the use of the term “bioidentical” on MM, because I know how much confusion it causes in countries other than the UK – like Australia, USA and Canada - where is it used as a marketing term by the compounded hormone industry. However, I've known her a long time (maybe longer than a lot of you have), and she has been a big help to me in the past. I respect and appreciate her scientific input into these discussions, so for her input to then be belittled and call a “sermon”, sorry but that's not “humour”. That's being plain childish, mean and offensive. A claim was made the other day about our comments supposedly being “belittling” and “offensive”. Well…. well done ladies. You've just done exactly what you've accused others of. This has now become like high school all over again.

I give up. It doesn't look like anyone really wants peace here, because every time someone tries to post anything contrary to what the advocates for this section want to read there will be snippy and snide comments made and even more arguments. You simply don't know how to have intelligent debate. Maybe the option will have to be that big banner saying “DO NOT ENTER IF YOU AREN'T A BELIEVER”. Yeah – that was a facetious comment, but that's what this section has deteriorated into, and I've been brought down to its level.

I don't post that much these days, but I do read a lot and frankly I'm really disappointed in this whole forum lately, compared to what it used to be. It's always had it spats at times, all forums do, and I have even closed my account previously because of it, but this time it seems far more insidious. It must be getting very close to the time when I need to close my account down again.

It really was just a bit of silly banter and nothing more.
As Prajna said humour can be the best medicine.
If we can't have a bit of a laugh occasionally then it's sad but I certainly did not mean to upset anyone in any way.


ancient runner:
Yes to peace.
As the one who asked the question I was grateful for an answer that gave me all the information I wanted, not something short and flip.

I've had many alerts from forum members and even from non-members visiting the site about bullying, rudeness and troublemaking from a small group of members.
Please have another look at the forum rules - You are required to keep your posts civil and in keeping with normal good manners.

This thread is now locked and certain members have been notified.



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