Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

A different approach perhaps

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And if it has strawberries then it's one of your five a day.

Much like the glass of wine I'm currently scoffing.....well it's got grapes in.




--- Quote from: SadLynda on November 17, 2015, 11:54:36 AM ---Great post.

Brightlight - loved reading that, totally agree about the acupuncture I did great on it - sadly now cannot afford the monthly top up :(

Having tried most of the alternatives have to say nothing has helped with the VA for me.

--- End quote ---

Is it ongoing SadLynda? or intermittent?  I am wondering if it's not ongoing then it still could be helped with hydration, a change in the PH, pelvic excercise for blood flow?  Did you try all that?

I NEED that cake! :) I have struggled with cravings in a big way (again, that was something I remember as a teenager), I have heard that again your blood sugar levels can be helped with adding fermented foods, pro and pre biotics to the diet, increasing protein and keeping water levels up (our bodies sometimes say we are hungry when we are actually dehydrated).  Magenesium is supposed to help too.

I have yet to crack this 'symptom' and can't say I work too hard at it, but I will keep trying :)

Well BrightLight - someone has to do the MM test  ;) - then let us know  ;D

As for  :cake: +  :cupcake: - if we share a slice each  ;)

My craving on the run up to a period was always something cold to drink. Water, juice milk....Coke  ::).....anything wet really.
It got to the point I always carried something with me as the thirst would drive me mad.
When peri started the extreme thirst that only lasted a few days stopped.

Isn't the body a funny thing.



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