Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

A different approach perhaps

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What a pity that, having listened to our bodies, the medical profession don't take on board what we know!  ::)

We are what we eat.  I've believed that for years.  I think that because Asian peoples don't have as much 'junk' food in their diets until more recently, as well as having soya-based recipes, means that they haven't had as many health difficulties as 'we' in the West.

Soya doesn't suit everyone  ::) but eating lots of fruit and veg. won't do any harm (except aiding the means of flying a kite  ;)).  My diet has altered over the years for various reasons.  As children we walked everywhere and had regular PE sessions throughout School.  Sharing experiences too helps!

Great post.

Brightlight - loved reading that, totally agree about the acupuncture I did great on it - sadly now cannot afford the monthly top up :(

Having tried most of the alternatives have to say nothing has helped with the VA for me.

"The more we can stay healthy, I believe the less symptomatic we will be with menopausal changes.  It's my experience that some of the things I am experiencing are things I have always had 'trouble' with, only they are worse, so perhaps we all just have a tendancy towards things?"

BrightLight, this is such a good point -  and so relevant to meno and one we should perhaps all bear in mind.  It seems that without the protective effect of a estrogen and the change in hormone profile, any particular existing weaknesses become more troublesome.  Lifestyle/diet/stress plays a huge part - however some women are just luckier than others in what genes they've inherited and they seem resilient and able to stay well regardless of meno.

J x

when I overdo the sugar or caffeine my flushes and sweats return along with a general feeling of malaise.  If I stay away from added refined sugars, cakes, biscuits, desserts etc I can be free of most menopause symptoms all day now  :)

oh dear, met up with my old friend today and demolished the biggest cream cake you have ever seen, it did have strawberries too ::) followed by a creamy hot chocolate.

This is not my usual diet - if I am suffering later or tomorrow I better shut up 8)

I am just reading through a new book DH got for the 'juicer' called 'Juice Master' got some great sounding healthy juices in it, and better still are the 'flavoured water' which is not so much of the fruits topped up with water and a dash of lemon.


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