Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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--- Quote from: CLKD on November 15, 2015, 02:10:11 PM --- :-\    -   'hands on' - the REIKI teacher in our street explained that there is no physical contact  :-\

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CLKD - there are no right or wrong ways. Most practitioners use both very gentle 'hands on' or just above the body depending on need. 'Hands on' is not heavy like massage, but very gentle touch and the client is fully clothed. The hand positions are usually left in the same place for anything from 2 - 5 mins.
I for one don't like the 'hands off' treatment but everyone is different and if you said you didn't want any contact then your Reiki practitioner would do as you asked. It's all about you feeling relaxed and calm. :)
It's important to find a practitioner that you like and trust.  :)


--- Quote from: honeybun on November 15, 2015, 02:21:25 PM ---Thanks Autumn, what a lovely post.

How easy is it to learn a little Reiki. Would it just be the relaxation element that you would suggest.
Are there any books available to have a look at.
I find Mindfullness meditation very difficult as I have a grasshopper brain that I find hard to shut off so other ideas would be great.


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Thank you Honeybun - I hope it helped a little! :)
The subject of learning Reiki is quite big as you need to be attuned so that you can start the energy flowing into yourself for yourself. There are three stages to learning Reiki: Reiki 1 is for self healing and treating friends, family and pets. Reiki 2 is so you can be a practitioner and charge. Reiki 3 is Master level, which shows that you've dedicated yourself to learning and practicing Reiki and can also teach it to others. A very good book is Self-Healing With Reiki: by Penelope Quest which explains a lot more than I can here about self healing and energy work.
If you had Reiki treatments, they might help you to be calmer and so be able to do your meditations if you wanted!
Hope this helps. X


--- Quote from: Taz2 on November 15, 2015, 04:05:22 PM ---I've had Reiki before - it is really relaxing.

Taz x

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That's great Taz, I absolutely love it.  :) x


--- Quote from: Limpy on November 15, 2015, 04:17:15 PM ---
--- Quote from: CLKD on November 15, 2015, 02:10:11 PM --- :-\    -   'hands on' - the REIKI teacher in our street explained that there is no physical contact  :-\

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I'm guessing that "hands on" is used to suggest actually doing something oneself.

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Hi Limpy,
Sorry, but I must have just missed you post. I just replied to CLKD about the meaning of 'hands on' and it is putting hands very gently on - but not moving them.
I think your suggestion of it meaning 'actually doing something oneself' is great though, as having Reiki or learning it is a great thing to do for yourself! :)

Always something I've fancied having done. Someone I know used to practice it, but has since given up her business. She said it was wonderful to have done. Maybe have a look into as a treat to myself.


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