Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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If not GH, try Indian Head Massage. They are wonderful too.

I've found a clinic which does Reiki here. May make enquiry.


Massage is relaxing.  I love my feet being massaged  ;)


--- Quote from: cubagirl on November 15, 2015, 04:58:51 PM ---Always something I've fancied having done. Someone I know used to practice it, but has since given up her business. She said it was wonderful to have done. Maybe have a look into as a treat to myself.

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That's a shame, but if you're still in contact with her, maybe she knows someone else who's good? Definitely worth a try! :)


--- Quote from: honeybun on November 15, 2015, 05:22:49 PM ---That's what I was thinking. I do have a relative that does it but she is too far away.

I can see a Xmas gift coming up.


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..or a little holiday to your relative's house!  ;) She can always send you Reiki you know....

Definitely a nice Xmas present Honeybun! xx


--- Quote from: bramble on November 15, 2015, 06:32:55 PM ---I used to have Reiki once a month - very relaxing. Unfortunately the girl I went to moved away but I thoroughly recommend it.


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Oh, that's a shame Bramble, is there no-one else you've heard of nearby? So worth having it regularly isn't it.x  :)


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