Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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A couple of ladies on this site have asked me to explain a bit more about Reiki and how it helps in menopause. (Hope it doesn’t sound too formal but it’s the only way to explain it!  :))

Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is a natural and totally safe method of hands on healing. It brings balance and harmony to the mind, body and emotions. Reiki helps to speed up the body's own natural healing and is a gentle but powerful complimentary therapy. Reiki is effective in alleviating menopause symptoms because it helps to balance various systems in the body, including the body's hormonal system.
Reiki gives a ‘time out’ when you can just relax in an hour that is just about you and your well being.
It’s so important when you’re going through a process that has such a huge effect on your body, emotions and well being to have something to look forward to each week, fortnight or month.
Reiki makes you the best you can be at any given time.
We need to be gentle with ourselves and kind to our bodies when going through all the stages of menopause.
As women, we tend to be everything to everyone and feel guilty if we take time for ourselves or pay out for treatments for ourselves. Around the menopause is when we have to learn to let go of that a little and actually start being kind to us! We all need a little nurturing!
We can learn to be patient and gentle with our bodies, brains and feelings, not scold ourselves every time we forget something or we find another pain or feel too exhausted to do move.

 It’s easy to’ lose’ who we are as our bodies change and we are coping with hot flushes, mood swings, exhaustion, anxiety, pain, lack of libido, fuzzy thinking, emotions that are all over the place and all the other things that can happen during menopause.
Reiki can help with everything in one way or another.  It calms, comforts and soothes and can help you find your way back to ‘you’ again.
If the mind is calm, the body tends to follow.
It is really worthwhile learning Reiki for yourself as you can then give yourself healing as and when needed. I found it really helped me to cope with things
I have been a Reiki practitioner for 14 years and know what a difference it can make to anyone who has treatments – people and animals!

 :-\    -   'hands on' - the REIKI teacher in our street explained that there is no physical contact  :-\

Thanks Autumn, what a lovely post.

How easy is it to learn a little Reiki. Would it just be the relaxation element that you would suggest.
Are there any books available to have a look at.
I find Mindfullness meditation very difficult as I have a grasshopper brain that I find hard to shut off so other ideas would be great.


I've had Reiki before - it is really relaxing.

Taz x


--- Quote from: CLKD on November 15, 2015, 02:10:11 PM --- :-\    -   'hands on' - the REIKI teacher in our street explained that there is no physical contact  :-\

--- End quote ---

I'm guessing that "hands on" is used to suggest actually doing something oneself.


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