Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

The point of this specific thread

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I think everyone needs to calm down.  If people have tried an alternative therapy and it hasnt genuinely worked for them i dont see any issue in them stating this, the same way that is someone tried hrt didnt get on with it.    I have tried the magnet did absolutely nothing for me however i highly rate acupuncture.  I do take HRT but also have an open mind to alternatives.  There are always going to be differing opinions and its about respecting others views. 
It was myself who contacted dr currie too

Of course everyone should be able to say whether a therapy worked for them or not.

But to ask about something alternative and to be told not to waste your money or just to take HRT, kind of defeats the purpose of having a purely alternatives thread.

That is for the rest of the forum.

Maybe I have got this very wrong but I'm beginning to wonder what the point is to be honest.

And I am calm thanks  ;)


Now that's something I haven't tried yet Prajna .....voodoo.

It's a thought though   ;D :)


People should be able to state what worked and didn't work for them as it would be a bit pointless if you were only allowed to post positive comments on alternative treatments!  But I think it should be based on your own personal experience or concerns, and not just a 'no, this doesn't work, it's unscientific' comment.

It is a bit tricky! I don't read the alternative section very often as I've not had any good experiences of alternative therapies but feel I can't actually say that as it is a negative comment. I think it does help if someone says they tried it but it didn't work for them or lists any side effects they suffered but it's difficult to word it without coming across as being against alternative treatments.

Taz x  :-\


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