Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

The point of this specific thread

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--- Quote from: Autumn on November 16, 2015, 06:50:30 PM ---Wow, I've just read through this and don't quite understand what's happened. :-\ ???

--- End quote ---

Don't let that worry you - there are times when ignorance is bliss and this is one of them  ;D

Ahhh, ok.... ;D

This section didn't exist when I was last here before I had a break (down).  I think it's good to have somewhere to explore all options.

I have never taken HRT (my choice) and I disagree with the comment that our bodies need the oestrogen and 'without it there is no hope of ever feeling well again' (or something along those lines).

I have had times when I have felt very uncomfortable and quite unwell but never bad enough to feel the need of HRT.  It is now 6 years since I started hot flushes and I was probably menopausal for some time prior to them starting.  But I am a stubborn so and so and I got through and am now post menopausal and the flushes are few and far between.

I have recently been diagnosed with a low grade depression and anxiety but I do not believe they are exclusively related to the menopause.  It has been a lifelime in coming because of my backgound.

My point is that I had menopause symptoms and they did affect me but I chose not to take HRT and I am starting to feel well again.  I just wanted to refute the idea that 'without HRT you can never hope to feel well again'.  You can, there is always hope but it is a long process, it won't happen overnight.

this is my contribution and my opinion.  It is not meant to challenge anyone else's view and I do not expect my view to be vilified.

If anyone is in touch with Thorntrees do encourage her to return.  All opinions are valued and we have to remember that the written word is static.


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