Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

The point of this specific thread

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I just thought this was worth mentioning.

One of our members specifically requested Dr Currie for an alternatives thread where women who could not, or did not want to take take HRT could come and comfortably discuss alternative therapies.

Dr Currie very kindly agreed to this we have what we really wanted.

I think it's probably being lost in translation.

I really don't want this to become an argument but it would seem that some of our posters are still not able to discuss things freely without the sceptics putting views forward.

Surely the point is an open discussion ...but between the members who are interested in treatements other than the conventional.
The rest of the forum is for the other health discussions ....not alternatives

Perhaps I have got this wrong and then I appologise but I really think the point is being missed.....or ignored.

I could be wrong that case I'm really sorry.


"Aaaaagh! Not that again! ---------  >:( "

Was posted in the topic discussing the Ladycare Magnet

To me looks like one member getting annoyed at another for having the temerity to express an opinion about an Alternative Therapy.  I was under the impression that this IS the place where such things can be discussed not shot down in flames

Well that was my point. Thanks Limpy.

I think this is the place for the different things, the out there thoughts....but not for the scientific brains.

Their thoughts and informative links are very much welcomed.....just not here perhaps.

Otherwise this thread is a waste of time.

Perhaps I'm getting it wrong though  :-\.....but I really thought that was the whole point.

And we did wait a while to get this......and lost members on the journey to....ALTERNATIVES.  ;)


Agree with what has been said. I have found that only drinking de-caffeinated tea after mid afternoon seems to help with night sweats but I doubt there is any scientific evidence for it. Yes it may be a placebo effect or it might just be me- who knows but I feel happier mentioning it on a thread where I won't be shot down in flames by merely suggesting it might help someone else.


We all need to use or not use whatever we feel works or not for us, be it prescribed medication or alternatives. I'm now trying alternatives after coming off HRT. They may work, they may not. I welcome alternatives section.
We are all different, so we need a varied forum.


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