Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Hyaluronic acid?

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--- Quote from: spookstreet on November 09, 2015, 02:21:47 PM ---
--- Quote from: Hurdity on November 09, 2015, 12:53:10 PM ---Hi spookstreet

You found that Vagifem didn't work for you - perhaps you were sensitive to it or something similar?

Also, have you tried, or thought of trying estriol cream - completely different from Vagifem and available on prescription as either generic estriol cream ( 0.01 %) - formerly Gynest cream, or Ovestin - stronger at 0.1% but you use less? Many women find this less irritating and does the same job.  I use Estriol pessaries for most of the time and these are brilliant but have been discontinued. I also have the estriol cream (0.01 %) which you can insert inside or use on external areas. They are listed here:

Hope this helps  :)

Hurdity x

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I'd rather not try another hormonal cream just yet, although I'll definitely raise estriol with my GP if all else fails.

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Hi SS - I believe Estriol is a oestrogen (hormonal) cream, it's a very weak (0.01 %) concentration, used locally.

Hi spookstreet - I use 'Yes' water-based vaginal moisturiser on the days I don't use the Estriol Cream. You can get a free sample if you ask via their website and it is also available on prescription. I have tried several brands, but that is the one that suits me.

Please would you explain more about your urine feeling too warm as I didn't know about this being a sign of atrophy! Is it something your GP has told you about - I am very curious now!


--- Quote from: Limpy on November 09, 2015, 03:15:45 PM ---Hi SS - I believe Estriol is a oestrogen (hormonal) cream, it's a very weak (0.01 %) concentration, used locally.

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Thanks for that, Limpy!


--- Quote from: Jenna on November 09, 2015, 03:35:31 PM ---Hi spookstreet - I use 'Yes' water-based vaginal moisturiser on the days I don't use the Estriol Cream. You can get a free sample if you ask via their website and it is also available on prescription. I have tried several brands, but that is the one that suits me.

Please would you explain more about your urine feeling too warm as I didn't know about this being a sign of atrophy! Is it something your GP has told you about - I am very curious now!

--- End quote ---

That's useful to know, Jenna.

Vis-a-vis the urine, it's just ... too warm! And I know I'm not imagining it because there are times (usually when I get up to pee in the night) when it's back to 'normal'. I went to see a urologist because my GP was assuming it was an infection thing (the issue was muddied by the fact that I was getting infections as well): he examined me and said, nope - mild vaginal atrophy.

I've not come across other instances of this particular symptom but the internet's a big place!  :)

does with me sparkle. :(

This thread has just forced me to get on and make that appointment.  I had to register with the on-line thingy to get an appointment I can fit around work and parents, but I have done it now.  Not till December 2nd, best I could get but I have done it at last (its an anxiety thing, I struggle to do this).

things are getting bad now.  I use the multigyn, and the 'yes' oil one.  But thing I need more help now, as though these things help they are not stopping things from getting worse which they now are :(


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