Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Hyaluronic acid?

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I've been trying, with the help of an excellent female GP, to get rid of some minor symptoms of vaginal atrophy (essentially, my pee nearly always feels too warm).

I've gone down the hormone route (Vagifem) without success and, more recently, Regelle (didn't do a thing). I've just started on Replens, which I'm suspecting isn't going to help either, although I will obviously persevere for a few weeks.

The only thing that I think may help a bit is Balance Activ Moisture Pessaries Plus - however, they are extremely expensive (£13.99 for 10) and, so far as I can tell, not available on prescription.

The key ingredients here seems to be hyaluronic acid, and I was just wondering whether anyone knew of a cheaper alternative which contains that?

All suggestions welcome!  :)

Hi - I use multigyn actigel which is probably the same price as the balance active, but you can use a small amount and swish it round the outside bits, IYSWIM  ::) and make it last longer.

It seems to promise similar to balance active, but uses Qsomething-or-other instead of the hyaluronic acid.

The omega 7 sea buckthorn is supposed to help with dryness, but is also expensive.

I also use hrt and vagifem, but it does seem to be a balancing act.

Hi spookstreet

You found that Vagifem didn't work for you - perhaps you were sensitive to it or something similar?

Also, have you tried, or thought of trying estriol cream - completely different from Vagifem and available on prescription as either generic estriol cream ( 0.01 %) - formerly Gynest cream, or Ovestin - stronger at 0.1% but you use less? Many women find this less irritating and does the same job.  I use Estriol pessaries for most of the time and these are brilliant but have been discontinued. I also have the estriol cream (0.01 %) which you can insert inside or use on external areas. They are listed here:

Hope this helps  :)

Hurdity x


--- Quote from: dahliagirl on November 09, 2015, 12:48:10 PM ---Hi - I use multigyn actigel which is probably the same price as the balance active, but you can use a small amount and swish it round the outside bits, IYSWIM  ::) and make it last longer.

It seems to promise similar to balance active, but uses Qsomething-or-other instead of the hyaluronic acid.

The omega 7 sea buckthorn is supposed to help with dryness, but is also expensive.

I also use hrt and vagifem, but it does seem to be a balancing act.

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Many thanks for that, dahliagirl. Multigyn Actigel has got a lot of good reviews on Amazon - although not many reviewers are obviously in the post-menopause bracket. However, it's only £7.05 at the moment so definitely worth a try!  :)


--- Quote from: Hurdity on November 09, 2015, 12:53:10 PM ---Hi spookstreet

You found that Vagifem didn't work for you - perhaps you were sensitive to it or something similar?

Also, have you tried, or thought of trying estriol cream - completely different from Vagifem and available on prescription as either generic estriol cream ( 0.01 %) - formerly Gynest cream, or Ovestin - stronger at 0.1% but you use less? Many women find this less irritating and does the same job.  I use Estriol pessaries for most of the time and these are brilliant but have been discontinued. I also have the estriol cream (0.01 %) which you can insert inside or use on external areas. They are listed here:

Hope this helps  :)

Hurdity x

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Many thanks, Hurdity, that's very useful to know.

Vagifem just did nothing at all for me ... I'd rather not try another hormonal cream just yet, although I'll definitely raise estriol with my GP if all else fails. It seems to be such a balancing act: the GP said that it's like getting the right moisturiser for your skin - different ingredients work for different people.


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