Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Salt in your diet

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Maybe Emma could clear this one up....

I thought that part of the alternatives theme was general health tips that could help with meno. Ie...that by cutting down on salt intake could help with hot flushes.
Grangravy started a topic within the alternatives section about avoiding scented products to alleviate irritation.

Is that too in the wrong place.

I'm quite happy to ask for this to be moved if that's what everyone thinks.  :-\

A tad pedantic though I think.

Interesting HB.  I use pink himalayn salt. It contain lots of minerals etc and is one of the healthier salts, if there is such a thing.

Linsey X

Sorry Prajna but I don't think it is a good substitute - it's still salt with a little bit of flavour added in  :-\

Taz x

Good topic!

Salt is salt  :-\ …….. and why is anyone importing salt from the Himalya when we have salt mines in Chester!!!  >:( it's a gimmick and certainly NOT GREEN!  ;)   (Did anyone see John Craven in the Salt Mines, they are HUGE!, cavernous spaces  :o )

The body requires salts in the same way as it requires food  ::).  Cutting down processed foods will help the body over-all.  As for drinking ……… we've had this conversation previously ……. the body takes in fluids from food as well as what we take from the tap  ;)

anything diet related interests me.

One of the things I stopped was my beloved 'crisps' I used to have one pack of cheese n onion a day.  I found it harder to give up than smoking was, but I have done it.  We dont eat processed either and I use himalayan salt which I just add during cooking, (sometimes) but that depends on what I am cooking.

I wonder how long it takes for an improved diet to improve overall health?


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