Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Salt in your diet

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Is it Tequeila that one adds salt to?

So Himalyan salt doesn't grow anywhere near the Himalya then:

"Himalayan salt is rock salt or halite from a mine in the Punjab region of Pakistan, which rises from the Indo-Gangetic Plain. It is mined in the Khewra Salt Mine, located in Khewra, Jhelum District, Punjab region, Pakistan. The foothills of the Salt Range are located 300 km from the Himalayas, 298 km from Amritsar, India and 260 km from Lahore.

"The salt sometimes occurs in a reddish or pink color, with some crystals having an off-white to transparent color.[1] "

Wikipedia …….

Maybe the "salt of the earth" would be better for us?  (Sorry!  ;D)



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