Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Salt in your diet

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We are what we eat so probably not long.  One only has to see what weight loss can be achieved with hard work and a change of Life style  ;)


Apparently salt is linked to osteoporosis - too much thins the bones

"A high-salt diet raises a woman's risk of breaking a bone after menopause, no matter what her bone density is" 

n.b  Didn't see a mention of copyright

Re the need to demonstrate a link to "Alternatives to HRT"
HRT is used to promote bone density - reducing salt could negate the need for HRT in that respect.

From the same site  moderate drinking can promote better bone density! Not sure I believe it but it's encouraging!

Taz x  :D


--- Quote from: Taz2 on October 31, 2015, 07:19:48 PM ---From the same site  moderate drinking can promote better bone density! Not sure I believe it but it's encouraging!

Taz x  :D

--- End quote ---

Thank you Taz   :thankyou:
Trust me, it's encouraging   :cancan:


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