Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

omega 7 (buckthorn oil)

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Have you had a look on our shop page

I've tried this a couple of times - principally for dry eyes - and I'm afraid to say I don't think it's done much for the eyes or for the minor vaginal atrophy I have. Not that that means it won't work for anyone else, of course!  :)

PS - I've just looked up the PharmaNord site ( and it seems that their special offer (50% free while stocks last) is running out ...

Witches Cat:
I'm going to try it, I have been put on Vagifem, one per night for 2 weeks, then 2 a week for the rest of the pack of 28. (My pharmacy said they get quotas and they had used all of theirs so I had to go to another pharmacy that still had some, outrageous) anyway, had to have these to make it poss to have a smear test they could get enough cells from to actually read. After that I want something natural. I'm not on HRT any more, had to stop it because of thickening womb lining due to the oestrogen.. 

Hi Witches Cat

Once you start local oestrogen for VA it's advised to stay on it long term because without it unfortunately the symptoms will usually return due to oestrogen deficiency ie it's not a permanent cure. No harm in taking something natural as well though. The oestrogen in Vagifem is "bio-identical" ie the same molecule as made in our bodies and as such as as natural as you can get. Alternatively you can use a weaker oestrogen - estriol - which is available as cream which you may find more acceptable?

The information on this is here:

Hurdity x

Ive tried cellular support by sibu, skin was good but wasnt paying attention to nether regions cos at the time it wasnt necessary.

I have tried lots of supplements over the years and maybe a combination of them would be beneficial, unfortunately it would also be quite expensive.  I firmly believe that the quality of supplements greatly vary and in most cases its worth paying a bit extra if you can.

Linsey x


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